B. inggris Sekolah Menengah Atas bantu jawab jangan ngasal kalau

benar saya jadikan jawaban tercedas

yg pintar'bahasa Inggris

bantu jawab jangan ngasal kalau

benar saya jadikan jawaban tercedas

yg pintar'bahasa Inggris


1) the house always looks tidy because it (is cleaned) every day.

2) the letter (was sent) yesterday

3) she was so angry because her favorite vase (was broken)

4) Mr. Agung (is called) by his friend

5) the girl cries loudly because she (was left) by her mother

6) my sister has stopped crying because she (bought) candy

7) it is cold in this room because the windows (are open)

8) the flowers blossom because the flowers (are watered)

9) the dirty clothes (were washed) last night

10) these shoes (are made) for her.

semoga membantu!!
